Help Those Affected By Irma

Families in our area of Florida are running low on food, water, and other supplies. Many with children and pets. We are expected to be without power and running water for a little longer. If you would like to help these families, please click the button below and make a donation in any amount you wish. As donations come in, food, water, and other supplies as well as clothing will be purchased and delivered to those in need in the area. Those in need of housing will also recieve help with rent on new places to live while homes are repaired and rebuilt.

Some families in areas where power is returning are finding appliances fried due to the surge. Many areas lost everything due to flooding. Families are without homes, parents and individuals are without jobs due to destroyed businesses.

The news may be suggesting everything is ok or that the National Guard, Salvation Army, Red Cross, or FEMA have everything under control. Whereas these agencies and organizations are helping across Florida, and many individuals are doing what they can, fact is most of this help is being recieved by larg cities and more populated areas. Our county is entirely rural and recieves very little in the way of help from the government. Many homes are still underwater with displaced families in need of food, clothing, and other supplies.

Please click the button below and make a donation to help these individuals and families. You may donate as little or as much as you’d like. Just $5 can go a long way in helping these families.

We all thank you in advance for your much appreciated assistance in these hard times. God Bless.

Make a Donation Button Secure Donations via PayPal

(Donations are secured through PayPal. You may use a PayPal account or Credit/Debit Card to make donations)

[This post will be unpublished once power is restored, everyone can return to work, and life has returned to normal for the families in need]