Help Support (Online) Ministry

Please consider making a donation to this ministry. Click Here.

When this ministry first started back in 2011, it’s what I (Rev. Dr. Red) did full-time. I feel I was called to ministry and very much enjoyed the research, meeting new people, and helping others understand or come to the faith. Over the years this ministry has helped me grow just as much as it helped you all grow. And I will always enjoy ministry work. This ministry isn’t going anywhere but expanding.

It started out small and rapidly grew to a size even I couldn’t believe. With fellowshippers all around the globe and several branches blanketing Kenya and invitations to India, Romania, and other nations. Throughout this process I established a very simple point: God’s word is free. I did not enter ministry as an income based endeavor, but because I was called into ministry. I’m not going to put a “gate” up forcing payment to view the ministries sites nor will I demand tithes locally (forced tithing isn’t truly a tithe in my opinion; it needs to come from the heart). There are other ways people can help ministry, especially locally and in poorer areas (ie: businesses and individuals could share their services with the ministry).

However, due to this, and the popular belief (particularly in the US) that ministries and churches are all subsidized in one form or the other, I’ve had to take up other lines of work to pay the bills. Full-time ministry and church staff in most ministries and churches are paid out of the churches or ministries income, especially 508c1a’s; which is what this ministry is. To help support the ministry, the ministry sells Christian items. But the larger portion is covered by me.

As I began venturing into other work to help keep bills paid and this ministry alive and well, people began to take notice as weekly blog posts, videos, and podcasts are no longer weekly. The ministry continues to receive emails and phone calls asking that such services/features continue. I’d love to start these weekly again. However, to do so requires time. Believe it or not, sermons take 30+hrs to put together on average. It takes time to research the topic and take notes, organize the notes, and then turn said notes into a sermon (or in the case of this site, a blog post, video, and podcast). It then takes time to upload content to the various channels so it’s viewable.

In order for this to be able to return to a weekly schedule, enough donations need to come in to cover cost of the bills to keep the ministry going so time is permitted to continue to upload content to the ministries sites, and to again be available 24/7 for ministry related phone calls and emails. This donation doesn’t need to be large either. A donation of just $1-5 per month would be enough to keep a weekly schedule with fresh content uploading to these sites as a blog post, video, podcast episode, or combination thereof.

Your donation of just $1-5/mo would allow for:

  • Weekly Blog Posts
  • Weekly Podcast Episodes
  • Weekly Videos
  • Funding of the various ministry programs

Donations are always greatly appreciated and may be made in several ways:

  • PayPal
  • Cash App
  • Venmo (@RedConrad or
  • Zelle (

You may also donate a monthly donation of $5 by clicking the button below
(Monthly Donation option requires you to setup a PayPal account if you don’t already have one. PayPal processes all payments and keeps your info secure.):
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This is a recurring, monthly donation of $5. You may cancel your monthly donations at any time by clicking the button below:


To donate via Cash App, send donations to $RedConrad1 (Cash App account not required, may use Debit Card. If you’d like to create a Cash App account, click here)

Or you could scan one of the below QR codes:

Thank you and God Bless

Rev. Dr. Red Conrad, D.D.


Why All The Christian Confusion?

As of late there seems to be an over-abundance of articles talking about how church/ministry leaders should or should not handle current issues, why people (primarily millennials and the LGBT crowd) are or are not leaving a church or joining a church, and the overall view of Christians in America and the western world.

Some articles are holding down to the fact we’re a Christian nation, while others state our society and culture is post-Christian. There are statements made condemning current society, whilst others are stating why it’s ok and a good thing for Christendom.

Many of these articles in reference are written by pastors and Christian authors from various churches around the country. Many may be found browsing,,, the blog, and to name a few.

Many of these authors are trying to give advice to churches, Christian leaders, and Christians et al on how to handle different issues. Many doing so with the concern of their tax-exempt status, without taking into consideration 508c1a of the IRS tax code. Despite the many pastors and ministries putting out information about 508c1a vs 501c3. Despite popular belief, churches are NOT required to file for 501c3 to be tax-exempt since churches and most religious organizations are tax-excluded by default. The authors of such articles focusing primarily on how to act as to not lose tax-exempt status, not only have their priorities in the wrong place and all messed up, they are in ministry for all the wrong reasons. Christ’s Church does not need to ask for a privilege be given us when it is already a right handed to us.

Granted we are clearly in trying times, some things need to be understood. They are as follows:
– America, and many western nations, were founded upon Christian principles.
– Most western nations, however, are in a post-Christian era.
– Watering down the Gospel to suit current political winds will only cause the death of Christianity, as it will be no different than secular society.
– Maintaining 501c3 status only maintains your subservience to the State, not to God.
– Treating others, Christians and non-Christians alike, as outsiders will only do more harm than good.

It is a well-known fact, or atleast it used to be, that America’s founding fathers were Christian to one degree or another, it was the churches that fought in the Revolution against Britian, and our Constitution was written based on these Christian principles. This makes America a Christian nation, as we are governed by Christian principles. However, we must also realize our society is increasingly secularized and moving in a post-Christian direction.

In this post-Christian society, certain things are bound to happen. An increase in Christian persecution, an increase in immoral behaviour, and the eventual collapse of the economy and society et al. The nation we currently know as America will cease to exist, and a new nation will rise up in her place. It is these events that many pastors and Christian authors are writing articles condemning current society, demanding Christians have an “in your face” type attitude towards non-Christians and those they view as “heretics” or “new age”, and are instilling a combination of fear and excitement into their readers. Fear of the government and secularists, and excitement for near “rapture” and/or return of Christ.

Despite all their alleged Christology knowledge, Bible memorization, and prayers, they seem to miss one major point. This is the fact that Christianity began in an extremely secular world, was persecuted heavily, and yet flourished. Moving into a post-Christian era is not necessarily a bad thing. The few authors who state so, on this I agree. Perhaps Christians in America and the west need to experience a culture that does not embrace Christian principles in order to truly understand the faith. Perhaps, in a post-Christian society, where Christians go from the cultural norm to being the counter-culture, the truly faithful will wake-up, realize the heresies and blasphemies that have been entering the churches for hundreds of years, and return to the un-altered, un-edited version of Christianity – the exact and precise message of Jesus Christ. Perhaps a post-Christian era will finally rid Christianity of “churchianity”, “Paulianity”, or whatever other name for it that may be out there.

Many churches, and entire denominations, have already re-written their doctrines and dogma to be ever more accepting of the secular world. These churches will cease to exist as they continue to erode away at their own relevance to society, it is only a matter of time. Only the churches whom remain true will continue to bring in new congregants. There will no doubt be a period of “shrinking” before a slow, but steady, “growth”. This is normal.

Pastors and churches who are altering their churches or denominations doctrines to fit the current political winds are nothing but frauds. They care nothing about following Christ, they care nothing about the health of the Church, and they care nothing about Christians et al. All they care about is being State-sanctioned puppets and maintaining State-privileged tax-exempt status. The only concern they have is their pockets being filled with money from any Christians they can decieve and secularists they can fool. These churches apparently forgot, or just don’t believe, the warnings in Revelation.

People are not going to join a church that they view is no different from secular society, but at the same time they aren’t going to join a church that’s constantly belittling them and making them feel as an outsider. Talk to people as if they were, well, people. If you do, you might actually see a growth in your local churches. These new members of the church fellowship may soon after convert to Christianity. But only if you treat them as a person, not an object or an outsider. Even if you disagree with their secular ways, you MUST treat them as a person. They are not going to convert to a faith and way of life they view as more arrogant and more unaccepting that the secular society of which they currently belong. There are ways to condemn a way of life, or certain practices, without talking down to the individual or making them feel inferior.

Christians, you want to know how to move forward? Stop worrying and fearing nonsense. Times are going to get increasingly harder, but we were told this would happen. We were also told what will be after. If you feel you need to fear what tomorrow will bring, you have little to no faith. If you need advice on how to talk to people, you’re inhumane. Jesus told us about these times to come. A sense of love, morality, and common sense should tell you that you should speak to others as individuals. You know how you want to spoken to and treated, that is how you should speak to and treat others. Be kind, compassionate, and explain the faith, chances are the individual will convert. May not happen overnight, they may ask to fellowship and/or join church functions for awhile first. And that is fine. That is how conversions happen and desciples are made. They ask questions, experience the culture, and eventually convert. It is these converts who usually make the best desciples. They are fresh to the faith and wanting to tell everyone of their experiences and feelings.

It is rather upsetting to see so many not only questioning the topics just discussed, but the misleading and deceptive concepts put forth in so many of these articles across the internet. There is clearly a split happening in Christianity. You have one half trying to go back to and hold on to the true message of Christ, and you have the other half following the political winds and willingly enslaving themselves to the State. Which half is it that you, your pastor, and your church belong?

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How YOU Can Help

In the fight to save America and keep Christianity in its roots (as Christ preached it), there are several organizations that pop up. Many lose sight of the battle, get bought-out, or are threatened into preaching heresy. However, there is an initiative started by Rev. Dr. Red and Spiritual Messiah Ministries that wont falter. Rev. Dr. Red and Spiritual Messiah Ministries cannot be bought-out or threatened into siding with the enemy. Nor will sight be lost. Rev. Dr. Red and Spiritual Messiah Ministries are being led by Christ.

The movements are as follows:

The Spiritual Truth Coalition
Uniting Christians, Jesusonians, and other Christ-following individuals and churches/ministries in the Truth, educating about 501(c)3 incorporation vs 508 status, etc. It is the job of the pastors to preach and teach Truth to their congregation in order to keep Christ’s message alive in society.

To help keep the Spiritual Truth Coalition going, and the True message of Christ in the Church, please make a donation to the ministry by clicking the button below:
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Secure Donations via PayPal

Also started was Reds Revelations
A net-radio show and alternative news blog started by Rev. Dr. Red to spread news with a Christian view, report news the mainstream refuses to cover, and show how todays events line up with Bible Prophecy.

To help keep Christian views in the news, support Reds Revelations by clicking the button below:
Make a Donation Button

Then there’s the Patriot Nationalist Movement
A political movement started by Rev. Dr. Red and Spiritual Messiah Ministries in an attempt to educate people of the altered Constitution via the “Congressional Act of 1871”, the actual U.S. Constitution and what it means, all the issues facing America today and how they can be solved. We also aim to back any true American candidates and make sure they get into office and replace the Communists/Marxists currently in OUR offices of OUR nation. The Patriot Nationalist Movement aims to re-instate the ORIGINAL U.S. Constitution, to awaken the American Spirit, restore Freedom, and ultimately save America.

To support the Patriot Nationalist Movement and help save America, click the button below:
Make a Donation Button
Secure Donations via PayPal

A project started by Rev. Dr. Red and Spiritual Messiah Ministries is Operation Bible (for the projects first task Click Here) –

The aim of Operation Bible is to put Bibles in the hands of Christians all over the world. Spiritual Messiah Ministries recieves many requests from international ministries for Bibles. The ministry cannot do it alone, and Operation Bible was formed.

To help Operation Bible spread Bibles, click the button below:
Make a Donation Button

Christianity Infiltrated

We have a problem within Christianity that must be addressed if we expect to bring people to Jesus Christ.

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Hated Minister and Ministry

Myself personally and Spiritual Messiah Ministries are on a rough ride. I know many of you that are reading this right now never heard of me or Spiritual Messiah Ministries before, but in a just a years time more than 200,000+ people internationally have. I seem to be becoming the most mis-understood and hated minister of the most mis-understood and hated ministry.

I founded this ministry under the guidance of Jesus Christ. The truth is, it was the farthest thing from my mind to become a minister, let alone run a ministry. It happened under the guidance of Jesus and alot of studying and hard work. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying here. Im not leaving ministry or ministerialhood. This is more of a rant than anything else.

You see, we are in End Times. Many people are being lied to and falling for the deceptions. I am one of many individuals Jesus has chosen to get the Truth out to His people and bring His people out of the lies. At Spiritual Messiah Ministries we have a unique way of preaching that many do not understand for one reason or another. I find this ironic as I use the same methods in Spiritual Messiah Ministries as Jesus had in His ministry 2,000yrs ago. I do not use mainstream methods nor does Spiritual Messiah Ministries preach the heretic belief of “universalism” (any and all can be saved).

For this reason, we are attacked on all sides. But we’re not worried about that. For one Jesus was persecuted and we are no better than He. If Jesus Himself was persecuted, why should we feel anything different would happen to us. Lets see what Jesus has to say about persecution.
Matthew 5:11 KJV
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

So you see we are not worried about being persecuted. Actually I was expecting and told my team what to expect before they joined Spiritual Messiah Ministries. The fact we are being persecuted is because of two things: 1) The masses have fallen for mainstream heresy and refuse to see Truth and 2) people that are awake refuse to join Jesus’ army and either sit and do nothing or knowingly fight for the enemy.

Peoe just dont seem to like Truth. Why? Ive determined people don’t like Truth because its not the “popular” or “cool” belief. Two-thousand years ago Truth was a rebel idea. It seems as though Truth once again has become the ideology of the rebel. We are not supposed to be concerned with worldy things or matters. But lo, everyone is concerned with matters of this world and a paganized version of Christianity. In so doing, people are quick to judge myself and Spiritual Messiah Ministries. They fail to realize judgement is for Jesus and Jesus alone. They also fail to realize there is but one Truth. Truth is a narrow path.

I bring the Truth to the people via Spiritual Messiah Ministries the same way Jesus had with His ministry. I shed Light into the darkness same as the Apostles had. It would be nice if people weren’t so quick to judge us, but instead remove your blinders and cotton-swabs so that you may see and hear. Time is almost up. Wouldn’t you much prefer to be with Jesus than Satan?

Myself and Spiritual Messiah Ministries are loved by few and hated by many. I am going to say that based on the level of hate aimed at myself and the ministry, we must be doing something right.

-Rev. Dr. Red

I Need Your Help

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