Bible, Science, and Prophecy

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Many people are in disbelief. Disbelief of the times, current events, and even history. Many go as far as stating not to believe whats on the internet unless it contains links to mainstream sites (who lie on what they report and don’t always report everything). Many don’t believe it because it is common thought, they follow the mindset of the masses. Others don’t believe because they simply cannot handle or do not want to handle the truth. The disbelievers will even try to dispute facts and statistics.

All believers are brushed off as being crazy. The fact is Muslims did not discover America, but they did bribe early America until Thomas Jefferson went to war with them and won. Muslims were not always a part of America, there wasn’t even a single Muslim in America as an American citizen until the late 1900’s. Homosexuality is an abomination to God, therefore it is a sin. Christian persecution is on the rise; Christians are currently the most persecuted peoples in the world. Our Freedom is under attack. We are watching the fall of America and the rise of a one world order. We are watching the fall of believers in Truth and the rise of a one world religion. We are also watching the international genocide of the entire white race; from the Americas to Europe to South Africa white people are being killed, enslaved, and tortured simply because they are white.

For proof of all the above stated one simply needs to search this site ( or To see where all this is heading one simply needs to open your Bible, King James Version preferred, and turn to the books of Isaiah, Daniel, or Revelation. Many have already claimed me to be crazy. Many more will do so as myself and this ministries popularity climbs. But I ask you this: If I am crazy, then why are so many people trying to shutdown this ministry and trying to kill me? If I am crazy then why does the opinions of this ministry, particularly myself, matter that much to these people that they try so hard to quiet us?

The only answer I can conclude is that I am preaching Truth and through this ministry spreading Truth. This ministry has no allegiance to any man, only to God. It is that fact that is why we are seen as such a grand enemy to the elite. It does not matter how large or small a truthsayers popularity is. The fact that a truthsayer is capable of thinking for themselves, rather than follow the masses instead tells the masses to do the same, the Truth becomes the most lethal weapon against the elite and their leader, Satan. They know at any given moment one free-thinking individual who believes and follows Jesus Christ can spread like an unstoppable virus. When such an event occurs, there empire begins to crumble.

We are now witnessing the reconstruction of the Tower of Babel. We are witnessing the rise of the New World Order. We are soon to witness the unveiling of the False Prophet and Anti-Christ. I don’t know about you, but I and this ministry are going to continue our work and die a righteous death so that we may live. It is possible to survive whats coming if we band together and stick together. God has told us what is coming and how to survive. Spiritual Messiah Ministries and the Spiritual Truth Coalition are going to survive the coming tyranny and continue fighting for Christ through it. If you wish to survive you simply need to follow the instructions God set before us in the Bible. Taking the mark of the beast will not give you life and freedom, but death. Only Jesus can give you life.

If you wish to not be alone in these hardships, follow Jesus. Join Spiritual Messiah Ministries or a church/ministry of the Spiritual Truth Coalition. Only Jesus Christ can assure us life everlasting, not man. As much as you wish not to believe what is going on, your disbelief does not make it not so nor will it prevent it. The best thing you can do for your survival is follow Jesus and join one of the few churches/ministries that remain true to Christ.

-Rev. Dr. Red

Halfpasthuman – Your burning, twisting, writhing death

I came across this from a contact on youtube. I feel everyone should read this. I’ve already posted this to facebook. Now I’m posting here. Please read and pass it on.


Halfpasthuman – Your burning, twisting, writhing death

Your last 26 days of life…

On March 2, 2012, the zionists (isreali mossad and cia agents) who are the stooges of the central banksters, will attack an American naval ship (as they did with the USS Liberty).

They will try to sink this ship with a huge loss of life of American sailors.

They will pretend to be Iranians to make you mad at Iran.

They intend to provoke officialdom in the US and Russia and China into killing us all.

Much of officialdom (masons, illuminati, agents of rome (opus dei et al), zionists) are in on this false flag attack, and their fervent hope for WAR to end your life, and the lives of over ONE BILLION other humans (your relatives on this planet).

So much of humanity on this planet has been made crazy by the rothchilds/rockefellers and all the priests/potentates and other assholes who put themselves on top of us all by lying and cheating and murder.

They plan on yet another fucking great war to kill off as many of us as they can.

If they succeed, and the war is created;

no more taxes will i pay ever to anyone.

no more of their laws will i obey.

if i survive the smoking, nuclear wasteland that will be the west coast of the USofA and most of earth, and there are any of the former central banksters and their masters alive, i will swear the remnant of my life to bringing them to justice. And i know what that means, even if the psychopathic pedofilic fucktards do not.

My message to them…all of officialdom is simple….you know fear. You live on the fear of others. Now it is your turn.

Fear us now.

We know you now.

Your names are recorded.

Your lives are in our hands.

Killing billions of us only convinces the rest that we have nothing left to lose.

You taught us to fear you.

Now the fear is gone, only hate remains.

Fear us now.

Or we come for you later.


 posted February 6, 2012 by clif high


via Halfpasthuman – Your burning, twisting, writhing death.

via Halfpasthuman – Your burning, twisting, writhing death.